Development of economic opportunities for rural women
Project:« Development of economic opportunities for rural women through empowerment in the local dairy sector and land governance » DGD Program (2016-2021)
Financial Partner: OXFAM –Belgique
Total Cost: 112 739 282 F CFA
Duration: 5 years
Countries: West Africa
Objective: Supporting farmers’ organisations to take gender into account in their activities for a successful, sustainable and family-oriented agricultural sector
- report on the implementation of the measures for granting 30% of developed land to women, enshrined in the Land Orientation Law, in the intervention zone of the Samendeni Valley Integrated Development Programme (PDIS) in Burkina Faso ;
- a document analysing the impact of COVID 19 on women in the sub-region, published under the title “West African women facing COVID. 7 realities/solutions”, published jointly with other organisations in the sub-region ;
- a study and documentary on the impact of COVID 19 on women dairy farmers in Burkina Faso ;
- A Policy Paper of the study ;
- training in experience capitalisation