
Implementing partners: WiLDAF-Benin, WiLDAF-Côte d’Ivoire, WiLDAF-Senegal- WiLDAF-Togo

Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal, Togo,

Duration: 1 year

Objective: To strengthen the protection of women and girls victims of violation of their rights through the improvement of the Digital Legal Aid Centre (CAJUD) in three countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo) and its installation in Senegal.


The CAJUD tool will significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of Legal Aid Centres and their capacity to document and analyse cases of women’s rights violations.


The services offered by the CAJUD tool:

  • Referral: complainants contact the centre by calling them;
  • Support: the complainants are received on the phone by counsellors who listen to them, inform and advise them, refer them to other appropriate services, if necessary, propose mediation to resolve the problem and in all cases follow up the case. The counsellors fill in virtual cards which they use to record the complainants’ information;
  • Follow-up and accompaniment: by telephone or in person, if necessary, this monitoring is used to track the progress of the case and to update the forms created during the successive listening sessions throughout the process of accompanying the complainant to the settlement of her case;
  • Evaluation: the monitoring and evaluation officers compile all data from all active sources to produce reports and analyses necessary for the resolution of the cases received;
  • The process of progressive transfer of skills to the user entities will be done from the beginning and to favour the sustainability of the project in support of the local structures.



  • Online training of centre staff and other volunteers in the CAJUD tool in Senegal
  • Capacity building for centre staff and volunteers in the appropriate care of vulnerable and marginalised targets, especially those identified by the project;
  • Raising awareness among the population: radio, social networks, paper media
  • Development of a policy brief to draw the attention of national decision-makers and development partners to the usefulness of digitisation in order to encourage them to take measures to continue scaling up the CAJUD;
  • Advocacy at regional level for the extension of the tool in the West African sub-region
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