
SAHEL- A EGALITE Sahel equal

Project: SAHEL- A EGALITE   (in progress)

Financial partner: Oxfam

Total Cost:  5 833 359 € 

Duration:  3 years

Countries: sahel (Burkina Faso: centre, centre-north and sahel regions

– Niger: maradi, tahoua and tillaberi regions

– Senegal: regions of thies, saint-louis, matam, tambacounda, kedougou, ziguinchor and dakar

– Chad: Lake Chad region

– France: national territory

Objective: to strengthen trust between the state and the population at all levels in order to reduce inequalities in the sahel through a new social contract

Results : (in progress)

80 young men and girls trained in civic and gender engagement to become influential actors

80 women and girls trained in female leadership to become actresses of change