
Women’s access to judicial and legal services in Africa

Projet :Women’s access to judicial and legal services in Africa

Financial partners : 

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA),

–  The American Jewish World Service (AJWS),

– The African Women Development Fund (AWDF),

– The MDG3 Fund of the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

– The UNFPA-Togo,

– The Francophonie

Total Cost :

Duration : 3days

Pays :  Sub-saharian Africa

Projet :Women’s access to judicial and legal services in Africa

Objectif : tracking progress, sharing experiences and developing an action plan that will facilitate the realization of women’s right to legal and judicial services ten years after the Lomé meeting in 2000    


  • take stocks of the progress accomplished regarding of the   women’s access to legal and judiciary services in sub Saharan Africa during the last ten years (2000-2011)
  • debate analyse and exchange experences in that field;
  • devepol an action plan that will be a reference and provide benchmarks during the African women’s decade for realizing substantial advancements enabling women to better claimand obtain their violated rights;
  • awake countries and development partners’ awaireness on the need to prioritise women and girls’ legal protection during the African women’s decade;
  • Strategies for the effective implementation and a monitoring mechanism are available;
  • Meeting report is published and disseminated to serve as an advocacy tool on the issue.