
Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, the president of United Republic of Tanzania

Dear invitees and colleagues from WiLDAF Tanzania,

It is a big pleasure and an honor for me to take the floor as WiLDAF West Africa Coordinator and interim of WiLDAF General Secretariat

First of all, I would like pesonnaly and on behalf of the wildaf Family and African women and girl to congratulate Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan for her political leadership as an African female Head of State and for her committment to gender equality and african women empowerment.

Your excellency, we are proud of you ! Having said that, it is my real pleasure and proudness to wish a happy 25th anniversary to the executif and all our colleagues from WiLDAF Tanzania.

We acknowledge that WiLDAF Tanzania is one of the more dynamics chapters of our network and big family.

Through your work in the area of women’s rights including widows rights to inheritance, women empowerment, violence against women and girls women’s access to justice and women’s participation in politic, you are really impacting tanzanian women’s life and positively transforming tanzanian society, using the law. This was reported in the last report WiLDAF sent to ECOSOC last May 2022.

We wish, despite the difficulties and constraints, that you continue your good work, and continue to inspire the other members of our WiLDAF big family.

We wish to thank all WiLDAF-Tanzania partners among which your Excellency and all other development partners.

Once again, congratulation and Happy 25th anniversary.

Kafui Adjamagbo-Johnson

WiLDAF-AO Coordinator