
We, the participants of the webinar organised by WiLDAF-AO on December 5, 2022, on the theme « “SOLIDARITY WITH THE WOMEN OF GUINEA: AFRICAN FEMINISTS DEMAND JUSTICE FOR SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE IN GUINEA » ;After listening to the interventions of the Chair of the Association of Victims and Relatives of Victims of the Events of September 28, 2009 in Guinea, Mrs Diallo Asmaou and lawyer Halimatou Camara on :

  • The context of the atrocities against Guinean citizens on September 28, 2009 and the subsequent sexual violence against 109 women who were raped;
  • The ongoing trial and its challenges, including the difficulties related to the recognition of the perpetrators of this mass crime, the evidence of the violence suffered by the women, in particular the difficulties in meeting the requirement for the production of medical certificates by the victims;
  • The systemic impunity that characterises Guinea and most countries in the sub-region;  read more