
Access of women to the judicial and legal services in Sub-Saharian Africa

Project: “Access of women to the judicial and legal services in Sub-saharian Africa

Financial partners:

-The World Bank: 25 250 000 FCFA, or 38 550 Euros

– The UN/ECA: 30,000,000 FCFA or 45,802 Euros

– CECI/CIDA: 8,000,000 FCFA, or 12,213 Euros

– The Intergovernmental Agency of the Francophonie: 10,534 Euros

– The Regional Office for Francophone Africa of UNIFEM: US$ 10,000

Total Cost: 70.000.000 F CFA soit 106 871 Euros

Duration: 3days

Countries: Sub-saharian Africa

Project: “Access of women to the judicial and legal services in Sub-saharian Africa

Objective: Being within the framework of World Bank Program for the reinforcement of the Institutions of Promotion and Protection of Women, this punctual project has, as essential activity, the organization of a regional workshop grouping the Government and civil society actors of Sub-saharian Africa in order to facilitate the debate and to strengthen the partnership in judicial and legal services. The final aim was to promote the full exercise of women’s rights. 16 African countries took part in this meeting which was held in Lomé, Togo.

Results :

  1. Adoption of a general plate-form of strategies and actions to be implemented by the different actors for a better access of women to judicial and legal services;
  2. A follow-up committee is set up for the Plate-form;
  3. Commitment of some of the financial partners to set up programs in conformity with the points of the Plate-form. For example, the setting up by the African Center for Women to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, of a program to incorporate “gender” into the policies of the Ministries of Justice of five Francophone countries. Commitment of CECI to support the training programs for judicial actors.