
Gender and investment in agriculture and food security to meet the zero hunger challenge

Implementing Partners: FAO, IIDS, WiLDAF AO Region: West Africa Objective: To build capacity and conduct policy dialogue with parliamentarians to increase their knowledge on the tools needed to engage in the development of legislation and policies that contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the agricultural, rural and family sectors in order to accelerate progress […]

Empowerment and resilience of women and youth in the milk and rice value chains in Burkina Faso

Project:« Empowerment and resilience of women and youth in the milk and rice value chains in Burkina Faso » Partenaires de mise en œuvre  : – L’Association pour la Promotion de l’Elevage au Sahel et en Savane (APESS) – L’Association Soutenir l’Emergence et la Valorisation de l’Economie Locale en Afrique (SEVE AFRICA) – La Confédération Paysanne […]

Easy access to justice for women and girls in West Africa through Digital Legal Aid Centres (CAJUD)

Implementing partners: WiLDAF-Benin, WiLDAF-Côte d’Ivoire, WiLDAF-Senegal- WiLDAF-Togo Countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Senegal, Togo, Duration: 1 year Objective: To strengthen the protection of women and girls victims of violation of their rights through the improvement of the Digital Legal Aid Centre (CAJUD) in three countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo) and its installation in Senegal.   […]

Sahel on Equality

Project : Sahel à Egalité :  Strengthening good practices and citizen mobilisation in favour of public policies adapted to the reduction of inequalities in the Sahel. Implementing partners: Burkina Faso: the Association of Women Lawyers of Burkina Faso AFJ/BF), Balai Citoyen, the Centre for Applied Study and Research in Public Finance (CERA-FP), the Permanent Secretariat of Non-Governmental […]

UNFPA global innovation awards: 10 projects that will change lives of women and girls

The UN’s sexual and reproductive health agency, UNFPA, has announced the ten winners of its first ever Joint Innovation Challenge; a cutting edge competition to provide funding for social enterprises with innovative solutions that advance the empowerment of women and girls worldwide. The challenge was financed by UNFPA’s Equalizer Accelerator Fund, and implemented in cooperation with the World Intellectual […]