
Nigeria: 10 Years After Chibok, Schoolchildren Still at Risk

Implement Safe Schools Plan to Protect Schools, Children (Abuja) –Ten years after the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigerian authorities have failed to put in place and sustain crucial measures to provide a secure learning environment for every child, Human Rights Watch said today. Since 2014, according to Save the Children, more than […]

Sudanese women run out of hope as conflict drags on

Squatting on the sandy ground, a young girl is weaving grass stems into a roof. The tiny hut she is making is surrounded by tens of thousands of others like it, made hastily of sticks and leaves covered with tarps or plastic sacks. This spontaneous settlement in Adré, a Chadian border town of 12,000 inhabitants, […]

The Gambia may allow female genital mutilation again – another sign of a global trend eroding women’s rights

The Gambia’s ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) since 2015 is under threat. Proposed changes before parliament could permit medicalised female genital cutting and allow it for consenting adults. This potential reversal has thrust the country into the global spotlight as the latest example of the backlash against gender equality. The Gambia’s criminalisation of FGM […]

Ghana: Pass Affirmative Action Bill to Empower Women in Governance – Communication Minister

The call for increased women’s participation and leadership across all spheres of public and political life in Ghana has reached a critical juncture, with the proposed Affirmative Action (Gender Equality) Bill being hailed as the last viable solution to address long-standing gender disparities. At the Women in Governance National Dialogue held in Accra, the Minister […]

Uganda: Ad792 – Gender-Based Violence Ranks As Top Women’s-Rights Issue That Ugandans Want Government and Society to Address

Majority of citizens see domestic violence as a private rather than criminal matter. Key findings Gender-based violence ranks as the most important women’s-rights problem that Ugandans say their government and society must address. Half (49%) of citizens say violence against women and girls is a common occurrence in their community. More than seven in 10 […]

WHO calls for greater attention to violence against women with disabilities and older women

Older women and women with disabilities face particular risk of abuse, yet their situation is largely hidden in most global and national violence-related data, according to two new publications released today by the World Health Organization (WHO). The health agency is calling for better research across countries that will help ensure these women are counted, […]

The power of gender equality laws to shape inclusive trade

In March 2024, trade ministers from around the world formally recognized the contribution of women’s participation in trade to advance economic growth and sustainable development in the Abu Dhabi Ministerial Declaration at the World Trade Organization’s 13th Ministerial Conference. Yet women still face various barriers preventing them from fully participating in trade.   The recently […]