
Initialed by the Minister of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family, Aawatif Hayar, and the Gambian Minister of Women’s Affairs, Children and Social Welfare, Fatou Sanyang Kinteh, this agreement aims to promote training in the field of social action.

Speaking on this occasion, Ms. Hayar indicated that Morocco has taken important steps in terms of social action, in particular through the institutionalization of professions linked to this field, noting that this agreement includes a good number of programs in favor of people with disabilities, the elderly and children, which both parties will work to achieve.

In a statement to the press, Ms. Hayar indicated that her discussions with the Gambian minister focused on ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, particularly in terms of women’s economic empowerment.

Also, the discussions were an opportunity to highlight the great progress made by the Kingdom under the wise leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, particularly in the areas of promoting the situation of women and children, universal health coverage and strengthening social protection, she added.

For her part, Ms. Kinteh noted that The Gambia and Morocco share several challenges inherent to the issues of women, children, the elderly and people with specific needs, expressing her wish to see cooperation between the two strengthened. countries in order to jointly promote several initiatives in this area.

Likewise, the Gambian minister expressed her country’s desire to benefit from the experience accumulated by the Kingdom, particularly in the area of ​​promoting the rights of women, children, and social inclusion.

Source : maroc-diplomatique.net