
Press release

UNITE! Invest to prevent violence against women and girls”  is the theme for the 2023 Edition of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. Long shrouded in collective silence, violence against women/girls, one of the worst forms of discrimination against women, is now being confronted by society as a whole, with the intransigence it deserves.

Every year, from 25 November to 10 December, the whole world and more mainly women’s rights organizations around the world join forces to denounce violence against women and girls, raise awareness and mobilise public opinion around the issue, hold States accountable, but also show the progress made in this area.

This period of activism, commonly known as the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based violence and the theme chosen for the year, are a stark reminder that violence continues to be rife at staggering levels and that there is an urgent need to invest in action.

Indeed, reports on the subject indicate that one in three women has been subjected to physical or sexual violence at least once in her life. Global emergencies, crises and conflicts have also intensified this violence, exacerbated risk factors and generated new threats that increase the vulnerability of women and girls in all areas of life.

Violence against women affects all sectors of activity, including the political sphere. Violence against women in political life, whether physical, psychological, intimidation or sexual harassment, prevents women from exercising and realising their political rights.

Despite the principle of equal participation in decision-making bodies at regional level in Africa, African women remain confronted with obstacles that include patriarchal norms that are not conducive to the exercise of power, a lack of real political will and measures that do not necessarily promote the genuine participation of women.

Because violence against women in politics is an obstacle to the enjoyment of their rights, WiLDAF- Afrique de l’Ouest and the 50% movement, whose objective is to help increase the political participation of women and girls in West Africa to 50% by 2030, are taking advantage of the 16 days of activism to take action on the theme of violence against women in the political sphere.

Because violence against women in politics deters many women from pursuing their political careers, election campaigns and related activities, the 50% movement is joining forces with the rest of the world to raise awareness, highlight, mobilise and create public opinion in favour of equal participation of women and men in politics.

We, the 50% movement, are therefore calling on partners throughout the world to join us in working together to eliminate violence against women in politics today and every day.

The fight against Gender-Based Violence in general and in the political sphere in particular is a long and difficult process of social change, but it is not an impossible battle and cannot be delayed. We must therefore commit ourselves with unparalleled determination to advancing our cause towards a violence-free society. 

For more information, please contact   WiLDAF-AO

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