
COP 27 -27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC

The 27th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change—otherwise known as COP 27—opens Sunday, 6 November 2022. Hosted by the Government of Egypt in Sharm El-Sheikh, COP 27 is an opportunity for the international community to catalyse much-needed progress on climate action. It is also a chance […]

Op-ed: Unlocking the full potential of women

The effects of gender inequality are far-reaching, but with a package of bold measures the G20 can drive investment in delivering systemic, gendered solutions to the issues we face. Recent events have relentlessly brought home our interconnectedness. We have seen how diseases have no borders; how a war in one part of the world can […]

Positive Masculinity – Men As Champions to End Violence Against Women and Girls in Africa

Both men and women are victims, survivors and perpetrators of violence. However, statistics shows that overwhelmingly, violence and discrimination is directed against women and girls. In Africa, the most prevalent forms of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) reported and documented, include, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), which manifests in physical, sexual or psychological violence by an intimate […]

Gender-Based Violence a High Priority in Sierra Leone, but Citizens Say Women Who Come Forward Likely to Face Criticism and Shame

Press release By Andrew Lavali Gender-based violence (GBV) is the most important women’s-rights issue that Sierra Leoneans say their government and society must address, the latest Afrobarometer survey shows. While a majority of people say violence against women and girls is uncommon in their neighbourhoods, many indicate that women are likely to face criticism or […]

Statement: Making choices to place women at the heart of our agenda

Remarks by Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN Women Sima Bahous at the UN Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security [As delivered] This is a vitally important time for the Women, Peace and Security agenda.  A reversal of generational gains in women’s rights is taking place against surging […]

Feminizing the State Apparatus: A Mirage For Women’s Liberation

Debating Ideas aims to reflect the values and editorial ethos of the African Arguments book series, publishing engaged, often radical, scholarship, original and activist writing from within the African continent and beyond. It offers debates and engagements, contexts and controversies, and reviews and responses flowing from the African Arguments books. The nation state, by extension representational […]