Workers worldwide look forward to payday. But while a paycheck may bring a sense of relief, satisfaction, or joy, it can also represent an injustice—a stark reminder of persistent inequalities between men and women in the workplace. The gender pay gap stands at 20 per cent, meaning women workers earn 80 per cent of what […]
This International Women’s Day, 8 March 2024, join the United Nations in celebrating under the theme Invest in women: Accelerate progress. The world is facing many crises, ranging from geopolitical conflicts to soaring poverty levels and the escalating impacts of climate change. These challenges can only be addressed by solutions that empower women. By investing […]
Investing in women benefits women and society as a whole. At the current rate of investments however, more than 340 million women and girls will still live in extreme poverty by 2030. It has never been more urgent to advance women’s economic empowerment, as marked by the 2024 theme for International Women’s Day: “Invest in […]
Investing in women is both an economic imperative and a human rights issue. It is a human rights issue because the global economic and financial systems are complicit in perpetuating gender inequality. At the same time, financial resources are required to overcome these challenges and build a world that enables all women to realize their […]
The impacts of crises are not gender-neutral. Protracted conflicts and the accelerating impacts of climate change have increased care demands on women and girls. When these demands grow, and public systems are unable to cope with increased pressure, women and girls absorb the bulk of care work. Care work, a vital public good, underpins well-being […]
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN’s Special Programme on Human Reproduction (HRP) have launched a new series on maternal and newborn care for a positive postnatal care experience in BMJ Global Health with six articles presenting evidence on the importance of understanding women’s, parents’ and health workers’ perspectives and a rights-based approach to strengthen […]
Policies must ensure benefits of economic growth are equitably distributed, with a particular focus on gender inclusivity. As we navigate the complex web of global challenges, the empowerment of women stands as a beacon of progress, reflecting not only a commitment to human rights but also a strategic imperative for sustainable development. The foundation of […]
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed that gender equality in science is essential to building a better future for all. “Sadly, women and girls continue to face systemic barriers and biases that prevent them from pursuing careers in science,” […]
Some of the world’s leading tech companies have signed a ground-breaking agreement with the UN to build more ethical Artificial Intelligence systems. Lenovo Group, LG AI Research, Mastercard, Microsoft, Salesforce, Telefonica, GSMA network of mobile phone operators, and INNIT have pledged to “integrate the values and principles” of UNESCO’s Recommendation on the Ethics of AI when […]
Some 4.4 million girls are at risk of female genital mutilation (FGM) this year, the UN Secretary-General warned on Tuesday 6th February 2024, appealing for action to stamp out this “egregious violation of fundamental human rights” and give greater voice to survivors. “Even one mutilation is one too many,” António Guterres said in his message […]