Gender and investment in agriculture and food security to meet the challenge of zero hunger

Project : « Gender and investment in agriculture and food security to meet the challenge of zero hunger » (in progress)

Financial partner : FAO

Total cost:   58 880 705 F CFA 

Duration : 3 years

Country: Togo-Ghana- liberia -Niger-Sierra Leone,

Objective : To build capacity and policy dialogue with parliamentarians in order to increase their knowledge of the tools needed to engage in the development of legislation and policies that contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the agricultural, rural and family sectors to accelerate progress towards the goals of zero hunger and sustainable development

Results (in progress)

  • Parliamentarians’ strengthened in Niger and Sierra Leone, togo on gender mainstreaming in the agricultural sector
  • Parliamentarians’ strengthened in Togo with the development of action plans and recommandation following the Forum for parliamentary